Serena Puerta

Serena Puerta
Serena brings more than 13 years of fitness and wellness executive leadership. She is Founder and CEO of Culture Of Fit. Serena has both a business and health science background. Before founding Culture Of Fit, she was Vice President of Healthcare Investment Banking at Oppenheimer & Co. on Wall Street, helping healthcare, biotechnology, and life sciences companies raise funding to bring their products and services to market to aid people with diagnosis, drugs, treatments and cures. Prior to investment banking, Serena also worked in private equity doing leveraged buyouts and growing companies, and management consulting helping Fortune 500 companies with business strategies.
Serena is passionate about wellness and compassionate about helping others, and instills that company culture into the nationwide Culture Of Fit team. Serena’s role includes overseeing executive management and continually innovating services and technology tools to best serve Culture Of Fit clients, and ensure clients’ employees, our end users, are happily engaging in our fitness and mind and body programs and achieving meaningful health results.
Serena holds a Master’s of Science degree in Biotechnology from Johns Hopkins University, and a Bachelor’s of Science in Business from the University of California at Berkeley’s, Haas School of Business.